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Leadership Opportunities Available – Deadline is Feb. 4


From our OSMA President:

"As the current President of the OSMA, I realize the importance of having motivated and engaged volunteer leaders to help direct the positions and activities of the organization. Now is your chance to join the effort.

Next Tuesday, Feb. 4, is the deadline for OSMA members to submit nominations for key leadership positions that will help shape the direction of the organization for the next several years."

Positions include:
President-Elect, At-Large Council Seats (the OSMA Board), delegates to the AMA and OSMA. For more details and to complete the nomination.

For candidates for President-Elect, At-Large Councilors, or AMA Delegation:
Email Sean to nominate >

To Apply for a leadership role as an OSMA Councilor or AMA Delegation:
Apply Here >

To apply to serve as a delegate for your District, Section, or Specialty:
Apply Here >



Thank you for your membership,

muennich 2024

Elizabeth Muennich, MD, FAAD
OSMA President



Join for 2024


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