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AMA State Advocacy Summit


The American Medical Association (AMA) State Advocacy Summit (SAS) was held in Carlsbad, California from January 9–11, 2025, and OSMA VP of Advocacy, Monica Hueckel, and Director of Government Relations, Joe Rosato, were in attendance.

The SAS is an annual conference where physician leaders and medical society staff from across the country gather to share their state's legislative and regulatory priorities and issues that their states might address in the upcoming legislative sessions.

With the change of leadership federally, SAS attendees received an overview of top issues at the state and federal legislative levels and what to expect in 2025. Major issues discussed included:

  • Reforming payer practices to improve access to care

  • Private equity and the impact its having on the corporatization of healthcare

  • Dealing with AI and how to balance the good and bad in an ever-changing workplace

  • Scope of practice

OSMA will continue its year-round coordination and cooperation with the AMA in 2025 and beyond. Stay tuned for any updates on federal work we will collaborate with AMA on this year.




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