2024 Annual Meeting - Physician Program 

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Poster Abstracts


Click on title link for speaker slides

7:00 am
Registration / Breakfast / Visit Exhibits

8:00 am 
Carla Ford, MD, OOS President

8:10 am
Role of Technology in Glaucoma Management – iCare HOME and Virtual Reality Perimetry
Sayoko Moroi, MD, PhD, Chair, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

New technologies are available that have potential to improve clinical outcomes for patients with glaucoma. This presentation will focus on various technologies for intraocular pressure monitoring and on augmented reality for perimetry. By attending, you should be able to evaluate technologies for gathering intraocular pressure data to improve patient care in glaucoma management and assess the potential role for virtual reality technology to gather visual field function.

8:30 am 
Dislocated Intraocular Lenses
Tom Dingle, MD, Central Ohio Eye Physicians & Surgeons

Many types of adverse events associated with intraocular lenses (IOLs) may require exchanging, removing, or repositioning an IOL as a dislocated intraocular lense is a rare, yet serious complication. By attending, you will become familiar with the current techniques available for IOL exchange and refixation, when surgery is indicated for a malpositioned IOL and develop strategies for potential problems in patients with scleral-fixated IOLs.

8:50 am
Q&A / Discussion

9:00 am          
Imaging Modalities and Emerging Treatment Options for Geographic Atrophy (GA)
Katherine Talcott, MD, FASRS, Associate Program Director, Ophthalmology Residency and Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Cole Eye Institute

Dry AMD can progress to a more advanced form that manifests as geographic atrophy (GA), which significantly threatens vision, leading to progressive and irreversible loss of visual function. Geographic atrophy is an underdiagnosed retinal condition for which there are emerging treatments. By attending, you should be able to identify how to use imaging to identify and monitor geographic atrophy, and gain information on emerging treatment for geographic atrophy.

9:20 am
Novel Imaging in Retina (agenda change 2/9)
Aleksandra Rachitskaya, MD, Cole Eye Institute

9:40 am
Q&A / Discussion

9:50 am 
Break / Visit Exhibits (See exhibitor list >)

10:30 am
Neuro-ophthalmology Update for the Comprehensive Ophthalmologist
Laura Hanson, MD, Comprehensive and Neuro-Ophthalmology, Cincinnati Eye Institute  

There are some acute causes of vision loss that all ophthalmologists, regardless of specialty, should be able to recognize and manage. By attending, you should be able to differentiate between acute causes of vision loss and identify appropriate workup and treatment options.

10:50 am
Pediatric Ophthalmology Updates for the Comprehensive Ophthalmologist
Walker Motley, MS, MD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

You learned about pediatric ophthalmology during your training but many new advances and current concepts have not been well disseminated into the ophthalmic community. By attending, you should be able to describe recent medical advances in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of conditions encountered in the practice of pediatric ophthalmology such as iPad instead of Eyepatch, treating myopia with atropine, and RETflix streaming.

11:10 am      
Q&A / Discussion

11:20 am
Business Meeting / Academy Update - Dr. Luisa Di Lorenzo / Elections

11:30 am             

11:30 am                
moderated by Nicole Bajic, MD and Shanika Esparaz, MD

12:45 pm                
Ophthalmology and the Future of Healthcare Delivery
Keith Carter, MD, Chairman and Head, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Iowa Healthcare, Past President of the American Academy of Ophthalmology

The improvement of health care delivery in the United States is paramount to bending the cost curve. Ophthalmology has a role in the efforts. By attending, you will gain a better overall understanding of health care delivery in ophthalmology and the importance of ophthalmology in treating certain targeted diseases.

1:45 pm
Training Spotlight: The Ohio State University
Emily Xu, MD (PGY2)

Artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine is a timely topic due to its potential to revolutionize patient care, improve health education, and contribute to cost reduction in healthcare. This session will provide an overview the types of artificial intelligence models and potential uses and limitations of artificial intelligence in medicine.

2:00 pm
Co-management & Delegation of Care
Zélia Corrêa, MD, PhD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Director, Ocular Oncology Service and Medical Director of Echography, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

As more non-physician healthcare providers become part of the healthcare delivery team, it is important to define how the ophthalmologist as surgeon can properly share pre- and postoperative responsibilities with non-surgeon providers, and how those providers may be ethically and legally reimbursed for their services. By attending you should be able to identify specific ethical dilemmas in co-management and delegation of care and whether delegation of authority equals delegation of responsibility, and apply one’s personal responsibility to uphold the standards of the profession. 

3:00 pm                   
Lessons Learned: When Safety Protocols Fail
Michelle Pineda, MBA, Risk Manager, OMIC

Presumably, all physicians use safety protocols, such as timeouts, to prevent wrong events, and are aware of sound practices in providing informed consent and documenting patient care. However, the claims data show that in spite of such knowledge, these protocols and principles are not always successfully executed. This session will illustrate, through OMIC claims data, how safety protocols and office systems can fail, how these failures can lead to patient harm, up to and including complete loss of vision, and how to mitigate the probability of these failures.

4:00 pm