2024 Annual Meeting - Technician & Nurse Program
For each time period/session, choose ONE Lecture (L) or Workshop (W)
8:00 am • SESSION 1
L1: Gene Therapy for Inherited Retinal Disease
Thomas Mendel, MD, PhD
This lecture will provide an overview of current and ongoing research for gene therapy approaches to inherited retinal disease.
L2: Ophthalmic Imaging (Anterior/Posterior)
Matthew Parker, PhD, COMT, CST
This lecture will highlight basic photo capturing history for the last 20 years of to the anterior eye segment, posterior eye segment, anterior tomography, posterior tomography, biomicroscopy, and systematic ultrasound. While capturing pretty picture is every photographers dream, the presenter will discuss photographic road mapping and ways to perform on-the-spot enhancement of images.
W1: OCT Workshop (same as W3 and W5)
A lecture and demonstration of the Zeiss Cirrus HDOCT and/or the Heidelberg Spectralis OCT will be followed by hands-on practice with trainer guidance and feedback. The OCT workshop will cover how to capture both macular and optic nerve imaging. Review of best practices and common trouble shooting tips will also be shared.
W2: Fundus Photography Workshop (same as W4 and W6)
Matthew Parker, Beth Koch, Rachel Kowalski, Andrew Pedrotti, and Kali Wassenich
A lecture and demonstration of the Clarus and Optos Fundus photography units will be followed by hands-on practice with trainer guidance and feedback. The Fundus Photography workshop will cover how to capture clear and accurate fundus photos. Review of best practices and common trouble shooting tips will also be shared.
9:05 am • SESSION 2
L3: Managing Iris Tumors
Arun Singh, MD
This lecture will review various types of iris tumors and methods of management of iris tumors.
L4: Lessons Learned from Endophthalmitis Claims
Michelle Pineda, MBA
This lecture will illustrate, through OMIC claims data, how safety protocols and office systems can fail, how these failures can lead to patient harm, up to and including complete loss of vision, and how to mitigate the probability of these failures.
W3: OCT Workshop (same as W1)
W4: Fundus Photography Workshop (same as W2)
10:05 am • BREAK / EXHIBITS (See exhibitor list >)
10:25 am • SESSION 3
L5: Glaucoma 101
Ang Li, MD
This lecture will review the basics of the pathology of glaucoma and the different glaucoma types of treatments including lasers and surgeries.
L6: Pediatric Ophthalmology: Not Just Little Adults
Mary Runkle-Weimer, MD
This lecture reviews basic skills and techniques of examining the pediatric patient to improve efficiency, accuracy and confidence.
W5: OCT Workshop (same as W1)
W6: Fundus Photography Workshops (same as W2)
11:30 am • SESSION 4
L7: Unveiling the Window to Vision: Understanding the Cornea, its Diseases and Transplantation
Kristina Thomas, MD
Participants will learn about the structure, function and importance of the cornea in vision and gain knowledge about its layers and their role in refracting light and its susceptibility to diseases and disorders.
L8: Ocular Emergencies
Swarupa Kancherla, MD
This presentation will cover interesting ocular urgent care cases. It will outline the patient’s typical history as well as common signs and treatments.
W7: Slit Lamp Exam and Angles Assessment Workshop (same as W9)
Amy Jost, Beth Koch, Russell Collins, Kali Wassenich, and Elaine Johnson
A lecture and demonstration of the slit lamp will be followed by hands-on practice with trainer guidance and feedback. The slit lamp workshop will cover how to adjust the oculars, lighting, focus, and magnification. Review of best practices and common trouble shooting tips will also be shared.
W8: Optical Biometry Workshop (same as W10)
Veronica Plessinger and Matthew Parker
A lecture and demonstration of the IOL Master 700 and the Argos optical biometry units will be followed by hands-on practice with trainer guidance and feedback. The optical biometry workshop will cover how to capture the biometric values needed in order to calculate accurate IOL Powers. Review of best practices and common trouble shooting tips will also be shared.
12:30 pm • LUNCH
1:30 pm • SESSION 5
L9: Clearing The Path to Successful Cataract Surgery: Evaluating and Treating Dry Eye
Kristina Thomas, MD
Participants will learn about the potential complications and challenges that dry eye can pose during and after cataract surgery.
L10: Under Pressure!
Veronica Plessinger, COMT
Discuss various methods for obtaining intraocular pressure. Best practices for performing pupillary assessment and documentation. Discuss the patient experience and tools to improve your or your staff’s professionalism.
W9: Slit Lamp Exam and Angles Assessment Workshop (same as W7)
W10: Optical Biometry Workshop (same as W8)
2:35 pm • SESSION 6
L11: Overview of Keratoprostheses
Rony Sayegh, MD
This lecture will describe various types of keratoprotheses, the indications for their use, and approach in examination and management.
L12: Drugs and Thugs: A comprehensive review of existing and new glaucoma medications, treatments, and drug classes
Amy Kopp-Miller, MD
This comprehensive review of existing and new glaucoma medications, treatments, and drug classes, with a focus on preservation of vision versus competing treatment side effects, will help you understand basic pharmacology and expand your knowledge of emerging drug classes and the preservative actions and side effects.
W11: Motility and Alignment Workshop (same as W16)
Beth Colon and Rachel Maglionico
Demonstration of ocular motility and alignment testing will be followed by hands-on practice with trainer guidance and feedback. The Ocular Motility Workshop will cover basic ocular motility and alignment testing and related concepts.
W12: Manual Lensometry Workshop (same as W17)
Shelby Carter and Latrice Jones-Bey
A lecture and demonstration of manual lensometry will be followed by hands-on practice with trainer guidance and feedback. The intro to manual lensometry workshop will cover how to adjust the oculars, lens table and lens holder, power drum, axis wheel to measure the power of the lenses. A brief overview of measuring prism will also be discussed. Review of best practices and common trouble shooting tips will also be shared.
W13: Introduction to Slit Lamp Exam and Applanation Tonometry Workshop (same as W18)
Joan Wilson, Veronica Plessinger, Kali Wassenich, Andrew Pedrotti, Nicole Smith and Amanda Middleton
A lecture and demonstration of the slit lamp and applanation tonometry will be followed by hands-on practice with trainer guidance and feedback. The intro to slit lamp and applanation tonometry workshop will cover how to adjust the oculars, lighting, focus, and magnification, cobalt blue filter, and the applanation device to measure IOP. Review of best practices and common trouble shooting tips will also be shared.
W14: Applanation Tonometry Workshop (same as W19)
Veronica Plessinger, Joan Wilson, Kali Wassenich, Andrew Pedrotti, Nicole Smith and Amanda Middleton
Demonstration of applanation tonometry will be followed by hands-on practice with trainer guidance and feedback. The Applanation Tonometry Workshop will cover proper equipment and patient set-up, patient instruction, and proper performance of applanation tonometry, and related concepts. An artificial eye model will be used for practicing.
W15: Pupillary Assessments and Angles Workshop (same as W20)
Amy Jost, Russell Collins and Beth Koch
A demonstration of how to properly assess pupils and angles using a transilluminator (or penlight) will be followed by hands-on practice with trainer guidance and feedback. The Pupillary Assessments and Angles Workshop will cover proper light positioning and patient set-up, patient instruction, proper performance of the assessments, and related concepts.
3:40 pm • SESSION 7
L13: Ocular Trauma
Nicholas Scoville, MD
During this lecture we will review cases which exhibit common ophthalmologic trauma with a focus on the anatomical and functional consequences of these injuries in order to inform how to appropriately evaluate and manage these patients.
L14: Infection Control in the Ophthalmic ASC in 2024
Elethia Dean, RN
Infection Control has become paramount for every ophthalmic ASC. With COVID-19/long COVID, SARS, and Influenza it is not only imperative to prevent infections such as endopthalmitis and TASS, now more diligence is needed to ensure communicable diseases do not enter the facility. This course is a must for all who work in the field of ophthalmology, especially those working in ophthalmic ASCs.
W16: Motility and Alignment Workshop (same as W11)
W17: Manual Lensometry Workshop (same as W12)
W18: Introduction to Slit Lamp Exam and Applanation Tonometry Workshop (same as W13)
W19: Applanation Tonometry Workshop (same as W14)
W20: Pupillary Assessments and Angles Workshop (same as W15)