Students, Residents and Fellows...Please plan to attend your virtual Annual Meeting coming up in early February 2025!
9:00 am
Brandon Francis, MD, Chair RFS
Kris Jackson, Chair MSS
9:10 am
OSMA Leadership/Q&A
Eric Drobny, MD, President
Elizabeth Muennich, MD, President-Elect
Brian Santin, MD, Immediate Past President
9:45 am
PAC Update
9:55 am
Advocacy Update
Joe Rosato, Director, Government Relations
Todd Baker, CEO
10:30 am
Advocacy Q&A
Joe Rosato, Director, Government Relations
Todd Baker, CEO
11:10 am
MSS Chapter Updates
Carson Hartlage, MSS Secretary and Treasurer
11:20 am
Poster Presentation Update
Jennifer Wayland, MSS Delegate
11:30 am
Intro to the House of Delegates
12:00 pm
MSS & RFS Elections
Split Caucuses Run by Brandon and Kris Separately
As soon as elections have concluded – RFS/MSS Resolutions Discussion Strategy
12:30 pm - 2:30 (or immediately after elections conclude)
RFS/MSS Resolution discussion strategy
Respectfully submitted by:
Ellena Privitera, Vice Chair
Kristofer Jackson, Chair